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Country Name : St. Lucia (click for all QSOs with this country)

Prefix: J6

Number of QSOs found on 1.8 MHz with St. Lucia : 1


KF6HI QSO with J68GU (click for QRZ info), information for above highlighted contact:

UTC Date: 2018-Nov-08
UTC Time: 00:43
Frequency: 1.840 MHz
Report Sent: -15
Report Received: -06
Mode: FT8
Sunspot Number (>0): 5
Solar Flux (>67): 68
A-index (0-400): 5
3-hour K-index (0-9): 1.44
Sunrise 13:54
Sunset 00:30

Sunrise 10:01
Sunset 21:34
Grid: FK93mv
ADIF code: 97
WAZ Zone: 8
IOTA: NA-108
Continent: NA
Latitude: 13.90 °
Longitude: 60.958 °
Bearing 100 °
Distance(km): 5584
Distance(miles): 3467
Operator: Gerd
Comments: Gerd, DL7VOG will be active as J68GU, from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA-108, 3 - 25 November 2018. He willl operate on 80 - 6M CW, RTTY, FT8.
QSL info: DL7VOG
Record Number: 24435

LP=Long Path if shown
Map Legend: =Home, =DX Station, =Sun Position
Red line = Communications path

The day/night terminator has 4 shade levels going from light to dark
  • Twilight or dusk is where the sun is 6° below the horizon. The D layer (green line at right) is illumiated is this area and to 9° below the horizon.
  • Nautical twilight the sun is 12° below the horizon; the horizon is still visible,
  • Astronomical twilight sun is 18° below the horizon The F layer (red line at right) is illumiated is this area and to 20° below the horizon.
  • Night
The Magnetic Equator is shown as a black line around the 0 degree equator line
The Magnetic Equator is important for Transequatorial Propogation and the magnetic field strengths are believed to be important for Sporadic-E Propagation.
